Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Boston during the storm.

Just a quick post so I can share this photo with you.  This is taken from Dewey Square in Boston facing South Station, which is where I catch the train every night after work.  If the photographer had turned to the left, you'd be looking at my office.

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Aftermath

Well the storm has passed and it is now Monday.  Yesterday was a beautiful day with bright sunshine.  Today...not so much.  It's very gray out there and while they were originally saying rain for today, that changed slightly this morning and they said that it would start out as some snow (because apparently Mother Nature feels we don't have enough) before changing over to rain.  They are saying it will only be a dusting to an inch most places, but really, it's unnecessary.  Thankfully the rain isn't supposed to be too much.  You might be thinking that rain would be good to wash the snow away, but too much and we'll be dealing with some major flooding because so many storm drains are covered by the snow so the rain and melting snow will have nowhere to go.  

My commute into work was a breeze today, but I can't say the same for most people.  Trains are running late although they are running.  There are still roads that are unplowed in many places and the snowbanks are so high that it's nearly impossible to see around them for oncoming traffic.  And if you're walking, that's not easy either.  Most sidewalks are not plowed so you have to walk in the street and that is extremely dangerous as the roads are already narrowed because of the snow on the sides.  There just isn't anywhere to put it.  I'm going to try to get some pictures of Boston later. 

Thanks for sticking with me!  Hope those who are also living through this have power and if not, hope you are staying warm!!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Sweet Freedom!

The travel ban was lifted at 4:00 and at 3:58, maintenance knocked on our door to ask us to move our cars so they could plow the parking lot.  So we bundled up again and headed out to play in the snow.  It's always entertaining when it comes to the dance around the parking lot when they need to plow.  And a dance it is too.  We're in a pretty good size apartment complex and they do the plowing in sections.  And if you remember, we were out earlier cleaning off our cars.  There were other residents out there too, but then there are those who do not step outside until maintenance comes and knocks on the door.

So we were out there at 4:00, did a little more clean up and then shoveled out in front of the cars so we were driving over a huge pile of snow and off we went to an already cleared area of the parking lot to wait it out.  If you remember, I said that they had been plowing all night.  Well that plowing was just on the main driveway/roads in the complex.  The Dance is all about clearing out all the parking spaces.

Now those of us who had already cleaned off our cars were able to move them pretty quickly and easily and then it was time for the LONG wait.  Why the long wait?  Well, all those people who waited until "the knock" still had to clear 2 feet of snow off their cars before they could get in and move them.  Which means the plow guy couldn't clean out that parking area until they finished.  So how long was my wait?  Over 45 minutes because that's right, someone didn't clean off their car until after they got "the knock."  Oh, and of course they weren't prepared for "the knock" because really it never snows here and they couldn't possibly imagine that anyone would want to plow the parking lot.  (In case there is any question, yes, that is sarcasm.)

I should have brought my Kindle out with me so I could have at least spent that 45 minutes reading, although if I'd been reading, I would have missed the guy who did a face plant into the snow bank as he tried to climb over it to get back to his apartment.

But anyway, now we're plowed!

Back inside just before 5:00 and as I was standing in the window to take an updated photo (yep, that one right there), I looked out to the street and you would have thought there was a Patriots game today with the line of cars driving down our street.  Apparently lifting the ban was like the annual bridal sale at Filene's Basement.  (If you're not from this area, you probably don't understand that comparison, but Google it.  I'm sure there must be a You Tube video somewhere.)   Anyway, our street usually isn't too busy, unless there is a Patriots game since it's the cut through to get over to the stadium.  Seriously, there was a line of cars moving up the street. 

I'm not sure where they were all going, but now I'm hungry and don't feel like cooking so we just called the pizza place and they were open so we ordered subs.  I'm making a run for it!  Nemo, you can't hold me hostage any longer!! 

Important Info!!!

This post is completely serious!  Please read.

Tragedy has struck in Boston.  An 11-year-old boy has been pronounced dead after a tragic accident.  He was out helping his Dad to shovel out the car.  Dad had started the car and the boy climbed inside to warm up.  The only problem, the exhaust pipe was still blocked by the snow and therefore, the car filled with carbon monoxide.

PLEASE!  If you are clearing out your car, DO NOT start the car until the exhaust pipe is cleared of snow. 

Thoughts are with the family.  I can not even begin to imagine how that poor father feels.  My only hope is that this can be a lesson for others out there.

Home Sweet Home

The Governor has decided to lift the travel ban at 4pm today.  I think I'll still stay home, unless the pizza place up the street is open and then I might have to order some dinner. 

And right after the Governor's press conference, the Town of Foxboro made their reverse 911 call to update us and they said that pedestrian's should not be out because sidewalks are not clear and that "residents should STAY HOME."  Ok, you don't have to yell at me.  I'll stay home.  Besides, it's freakin' cold out there.  I don't feel like walking around town when I can stay in my nice warm apartment.

What is that thing in the sky?

Well here we are on Saturday morning, just before noon and there is a bright spot in the sky.  I can't believe it.  Now I'm not exactly going to call it sunny, because there are still plenty of clouds but every not and then that sun breaks through and it makes everything look so pretty.  See the shadows? 

We went out earlier and did a little shoveling.  The best part of living in this apartment complex is that they are out shoveling and plowing all the time, so we really only have to do around our cars.  Unfortunately, because there is 2 feet of snow and lots of drifts, that means a whole lot of shoveling.  It's a good workout but it is not fun when the wind picks up and blows snow right back in your face, which it did to me several times. 
  No, that's not me.  That's my husband.  But I didn't just stay inside and take pictures.  I went out and took pictures too. 
And yes, I also shoveled.  C'mon now.  Did you think this New England girl leaves all the cleanup to the boys?  Oh no.  I'm outside with my shovel and my snow brush and I take care of my own car.  My Daddy didn't raise no wimpy girls.  He didn't raise any boys either, so we were taught to do everything, from cooking and cleaning the house to shoveling snow and mowing the lawn.  So I was all bundled up and out there shoveling too.

See, here's my car before and after I got to it. 

The travel ban is still in effect so even though we cleaned off the cars, we can't go anywhere.  That's ok with me.  Gives me a good excuse to stay in and chat with you fine people.  So what am I doing today?  Right now I'm sitting in the Red Sox virtual waiting room trying to get tickets for Sox-Yankees.  So glad we have power or I would have missed out on this purchase opportunity.

And we're watching Cars 2 because there's nothing like a Disney movie on a snow day.  If I can't be at Disney, at least I can watch Disney movies.  Just wait, maybe later I'll put in the Disney planning DVD and pretend I'm there instead of here. 

Good Morning Nemo!

I'm assuming that if you're reading this, that means you made it through the Nemo Blizzard so far.  I know we still have a ways to go, so please stay safe!  And if you are reading this without power, please stay warm!! 

If you've been following all along, then you must realize that means we have power.  Yes, all my talking about it must have worked.  It appears that all of Foxboro has power for a change.  Let's hope it stays that way.

Looking out the windows isn't exactly easy as they are pretty well caked with snow and ice.  See...

We are able to see out the bay window, but I honestly couldn't tell you how much snow we have because the drifts are all over the place.  And because we have a pretty good maintenance crew at our apartment complex and they were out all night plowing and snow blowing.    So here's what the place looks like at 7:30am:

The travel ban is still in effect, so we're not going anywhere.  I didn't plan on going anywhere anyway, but Michael might have to go to work once the roads are opened again.  That's what it means to work retail.  If they don't open, they don't make any money.  And if you're thinking "who would go shopping in this", believe me, people do.  They closed at Noon yesterday because the storm was bearing down and yet there were still people trying to get into the store at 12:30.  And no, he doesn't work in a grocery store, a hardware store or a convenience store.
So who wants some snowfall totals?  Well, let me start by saying that it is still snowing, so this isn't these totals will change.  It looks like Worcester is at the top of the leaderboard at the moment with a whopping 27.5 inches.  Boston comes in at 21.8.  I'll see if I can find out.  I think the news was saying it was about 2 feet, but really, how do you measure when it's blowing all over the place?

Friday, February 8, 2013

Get off the road!

Well, it's now 4:20, so that means everyone, except necessary personnel, should be off the road.  But I also read on the Foxborough Patch that Stop n' Shop just closed at 4:00.  So how are those people getting home from work?  Are they being teleported?  Is it some Harry Potter type of thing where the freezer cases are portkeys and they just get sucked up into them and they reappear at home?  Or are all those poor employees going to be sleeping in the aisles until the travel ban is lifted?  Does anybody know?

As for the weather, since that's what I'm supposed to be talking about, my husband just said "it's barely snowing out" and then he started laughing.  Anyway...the wind seems to be picking up a bit.  And I'm watching the branch of the tree behind me car, that I asked them to trim, as it brushes the roof of my car.  If I had a saw, I would take it down myself at this point.  The way it looks now, I could probably pulled it and it might break, but I'm not going out there.  I'm not in the mood for cold and wet.

(My computer crashed while I was posting this one, so if it looks like I left you hanging...yep, I did.)

Blowing snow and snow blowing!

They just came through with a snow blower to clear the walkways in front of our apartment.  I'm still not going outside.  The wind isn't too bad yet, but it does blow every now and then.  And it was blowing when I took this picture.

And here they are clearing the snow from our walkway.

So now that it's getting dark out, things should really get interesting.  The storm is really supposed to be picking up after 7:00 and then get worse overnight into tomorrow morning.  So we could lose power in the middle of the night...which reminds me, I need to pull the blankets out of the hope chest before we go to bed just to have them within easy reach. 

Oh, they're plowing again and we're watching some quality television.  Operation Repo on TruTV.  I know, you're flipping through your cable stations right now to find it.  I understand that we're in the middle of a major snowstorm, but why do the local stations feel the need to broadcast Storm Coverage all day long?  Does anyone seriously watch 24 straight hours of this stuff?  Isn't that what the Weather Channel is for?

Oh, and speaking of the Weather Channel, did you see that their most famous weatherman, Jim Cantori,is in Boston.  But not only that, Al Roker is there too.  That tells you Nemo is one kickass storm! 

Can hot guys melt snow?

They plowed the parking lot for the first time about 1/2 hour ago. 


 Honest, they really did plow.  I saw them.  And I heard the plow scraping the ground.  Oh wait...I just saw the plow come into the lot again.  And this time they only did the other side of the trees, not our side.  Oh well, I'm not going anywhere anyway.

The flakes that are falling now are pretty thick.  Earlier they were very small, but these are so much bigger.    

As I mentioned, the Governor signed an executive order for a travel ban.  Shortly after his press conference, we received a reverse 911 call from the town to let us know that they were requesting that everyone get off the roads by 3:00.  Well, it's 3:00 now and from what I can see, people seem to be complying.  I'm not seeing many cars go by.  Think it's too late to order a pizza or some Chinese food to be delivered?  Oh wait, I just saw a car drive by.  Would someone tell that idiot to put his lights on so on the off chance that someone else is out there driving they'll see him?

So, what do we do when we're in lockdown for an unknown period of time?  Well, let your mind wander.  I will not confirm nor deny.  Actually, right now we're clearing out the DVR.  Figure we might as well watch TV and take advantage of the electricity while we can because you just never know when it might go bye-bye.  Right now, it's Chicago Fire.  Have you seen the guys on that show?  Kelly Severide is pretty darn hot!  I bet he could melt this snow.  And Lt. Casey isn't so hard on the eyes either.  Michael likes the two female EMT's.  I guess they're pretty.  This episode is introducing some new guy.  He's not that cute. 

So yes, this is what we're doing while the snow is falling.  I'm thinking I might do a little baking too, while the oven still works. 

State of Emergency

The Governor has officially announced a State of Emergency.  Honestly, I don't know what that really means.  He's giving tips on what to do in the event of a power outage.  I think in Foxboro, we're becoming experts at that and could even write a guidebook.  My best tip, plan a trip to Disney   World to occur so that you're out of town when the power goes out.  :-)  We were actually at Disney when Hurricane Sandy was making her way up north and that is the last time we lost power.  So we weren't even here.

There is a travel ban in effect on MA effective at 4:00pm today until they lift it.  Basically that means DON'T DRIVE.  How many idiots will ignore that and try to go somewhere?  And I know you're thinking, what is going to be open?  Well, I was talking to the cashier at Walgreens this morning and she said that they never close, even when the power goes out.  They can only accept cash, but they stay open in case someone needs prescriptions.  She said she can understand that, but she hates the people who show up to buy soda and candy. 

Oh, penalty...wow!  Apparently if you ignore the ban you can be jailed up to a year and fined up to $500.  Believe me, I have no intention of going anywhere.  I hope we don't lose power, but I have lots and lots of blankets in this house and I think we'll be ok if we do lose power.

So who wants to see the snow at Noon?  And a closeup of the branches.


Introducing Nemo, the Blizzard of 2013 (10am report)

I thought I would chronicle the Blizzard of 2013 that is settling into New England.  Now I'm not a weather expert, so don't expect too much meteorological talk.   (Wow, that was a tough one to spell.)  This is just going to be my ramblings about the storm with a sprinkling of photos.  Now I have to warn you, if we lose power, which the town of Foxborough is known to do when the weather turns nasty, the blogging will come to a screeching halt until the power is restored.

Rumors about the blizzard began earlier in the week and they just got scarier each day.  It also didn't help that Feb. 6-7 was the 35th anniversary of the Blizzard of '78, which if you lived in New England at that time, is something you will never forget.  I was 7.  I won't make you do the math...I am now 42.  I do remember some things from the Blizzard of '78 - like the fact that my older sister and I were in elementary school and we didn't get home until after 5:00 on Feb. 6th because they didn't have enough buses running and those that were, it was slow going.  I also remember after the storm cleared out and people started venturing outside, my little sister was MAD because Mom wouldn't let her out in the snow.  She was 2 and Mom was afraid she would get buried.  And we later found out, rightfully so, as my hometown of Uxbridge was hit with tragedy when Peter Gosselin, who was 2 years ahead of me in school,  became buried in a snowbank and died. 

Anyway, let's get back to the Blizzard of 2013.  When I left my office in Boston yesterday, we were told that we were still planning to open, but to call the emergency line in the morning to check.  The Mayor of Boston, Tom Menino, was calling for everyone to be off the streets of Boston by Noon on Friday and schools were already announcing that they would be closed, so we were expecting that we would either close early or not open at all.  I got up at my normal time this morning and began preparing for work as usual.  I left the house just before 6:30 to head to the train station.  I had called the office emergency line twice before I left the house and it was still "business as usual".  I even checked again after I got to the train station.  No change.  So I got on the train when it rolled in at 6:48 and just as it pulled out of the station, my cell phone rang.  It was my friend, the office receptionist letting me know that she had just received the call that we would be closed.  The HR Director had even said to her, "call Raquel right away" in hopes that they would catch me before I was on the train.  Of course, had the MBTA been late, as it often is, I would have gotten the call in time.  Oh well.  So I rode the train to the 128 station, got off and then waited for the next one going back.

After I was back in my car, I headed to the gas station and then took a quick trip to Walgreens to pick up some more batteries.  Again, living in Foxboro, and the power outages we've endured in recent years, I am over preparing for this one.

Oh, and in case you are wondering...the forecast is for 16-24+ inches.  Yes, it could be more than 2 feet of snow!  The worst of it is supposed to be tonight, after 7pm and overnight into tomorrow morning.  And that is when the winds pick up too, strengthening to tropical storm / hurricane strength... prime conditions for power outages...and that is what makes it a blizzard instead of just a nor'easter - sustained winds of some ridiculous speed for a period of 3 hours or more.

Oh yes, and apparently now the weather folk have decided that they are going to name the big snowstorms, just like they name hurricanes.  And this one is named Nemo.  I'm not sure who's idea it was to name a giant blizzard after a cute little Disney fish, a clown fish at that, but I don't think we'll be laughing when the storm is over.  

So this is our 10am snowfall.  Just a light dusting so far.