Friday, February 8, 2013

Can hot guys melt snow?

They plowed the parking lot for the first time about 1/2 hour ago. 


 Honest, they really did plow.  I saw them.  And I heard the plow scraping the ground.  Oh wait...I just saw the plow come into the lot again.  And this time they only did the other side of the trees, not our side.  Oh well, I'm not going anywhere anyway.

The flakes that are falling now are pretty thick.  Earlier they were very small, but these are so much bigger.    

As I mentioned, the Governor signed an executive order for a travel ban.  Shortly after his press conference, we received a reverse 911 call from the town to let us know that they were requesting that everyone get off the roads by 3:00.  Well, it's 3:00 now and from what I can see, people seem to be complying.  I'm not seeing many cars go by.  Think it's too late to order a pizza or some Chinese food to be delivered?  Oh wait, I just saw a car drive by.  Would someone tell that idiot to put his lights on so on the off chance that someone else is out there driving they'll see him?

So, what do we do when we're in lockdown for an unknown period of time?  Well, let your mind wander.  I will not confirm nor deny.  Actually, right now we're clearing out the DVR.  Figure we might as well watch TV and take advantage of the electricity while we can because you just never know when it might go bye-bye.  Right now, it's Chicago Fire.  Have you seen the guys on that show?  Kelly Severide is pretty darn hot!  I bet he could melt this snow.  And Lt. Casey isn't so hard on the eyes either.  Michael likes the two female EMT's.  I guess they're pretty.  This episode is introducing some new guy.  He's not that cute. 

So yes, this is what we're doing while the snow is falling.  I'm thinking I might do a little baking too, while the oven still works. 


  1. Chicago Fire is one of Blaine's favorite shows!

  2. Are you the only that can post pictures Raquel.. That's rude I'm dumping your blog and starting my own. Only that would be as successful as me with Excel I think you get the message. I think I will take a shower ( it may be my last one for awhile) and hand around the house naked. Enjoying the heat while its still on and well before I have to bundle up in enough clothes that I will become claustrophobic. Is there going to be anything else on T.V. but a bunch of people saying its snowing out????

    1. Yes, I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who can post pictures since it's my blog. It's sorta like a public diary.

      You have to get off the local channels to find anything other than snow coverage. But avoid the weather channel too. They're broadcasting some show call Winter Storm Nemo. I don't think it has anything to do with the Disney movie.
