Friday, February 8, 2013

Get off the road!

Well, it's now 4:20, so that means everyone, except necessary personnel, should be off the road.  But I also read on the Foxborough Patch that Stop n' Shop just closed at 4:00.  So how are those people getting home from work?  Are they being teleported?  Is it some Harry Potter type of thing where the freezer cases are portkeys and they just get sucked up into them and they reappear at home?  Or are all those poor employees going to be sleeping in the aisles until the travel ban is lifted?  Does anybody know?

As for the weather, since that's what I'm supposed to be talking about, my husband just said "it's barely snowing out" and then he started laughing.  Anyway...the wind seems to be picking up a bit.  And I'm watching the branch of the tree behind me car, that I asked them to trim, as it brushes the roof of my car.  If I had a saw, I would take it down myself at this point.  The way it looks now, I could probably pulled it and it might break, but I'm not going out there.  I'm not in the mood for cold and wet.

(My computer crashed while I was posting this one, so if it looks like I left you hanging...yep, I did.)

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